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Author Spotlight and Q&A with Barbara McClintock

Barbara McClintock’s books have won many awards. Her love for history and period costume has led to such books as The Fantastic Drawings of Danielle Dahlia and Adele & Simon. More contemporary ones are Mary and the Mouse and The Battle of Luke and Longnose.

Thousand Islands Book Festival: Hi Barbara! I'm so glad you could stop by to answer some questions for our readers. Let's jump right in!

TIBF: What is one subject you wish had been taught in school?Barbara: Acrobatics

TIBF: Oooh, fun. Ok, if you couldn't be an author, what other job would you most like to do?

Barbara: Cowgirl

TIBF: If you couldn't be an author, what other job would you least like to do?

Barbara: Dog catcher

TIBF: What is one thing you think readers would be interested to know about you?

Barbara: I love olives and figs.

TIBF: Mmm, figs. Me, too. What were your best book friends growing up?

Barbara: Maurice Sendak

TIBF: What is your writing Kryptonite?

Barbara: My cats

TIBF: As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot or spirit animal?

Barbara: Check the Kryptonite question...

TIBF: How did you come up with one of your character's names?

Barbara: The name Adele from ADELE & SIMON is inspired by the French comic ADELE BLANC-SEC by author/cartoonist Tardi

TIBF: If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

Barbara: All the stories you tell when you're 5 are still interesting and important when you're 50.

Thousand Islands Book Festival: Thanks so much Barbara, it was lovely chatting with you. See you in Cape Vincent on June 3!

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