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Author Spotlight and Q&A with Alicia Klepeis


Alicia Klepeis is a children's book author of both non-fiction and fiction. She has written more than fifty books for kids about animals, countries, mythical creatures, and other fascinating topics. Recent titles include Mountains, Monsoons, and Mules, The World's Strangest Foods, and Brain Eaters: Creatures with Zombielike Diets. Check out Alicia's website for a booklist and fun facts.

Keep reading for a Q&A interview with Alicia.

Thousand Islands Book Festival: Hi Alicia, thanks for joining us today. Love the Doc Martins! Let's get to the questions for our visitors.

TIBF: What is one subject you wish had been taught in school?Alicia: Any Asian language

TIBF: What is your favorite under-appreciated book?

Alicia: Apple Farmer Annie by Monica Wellington

TIBF: If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

Alicia: Don't worry if your first draft isn't perfect -- there's plenty of time to improve it!

TIBF: If you couldn't be an author, what other job would you most like to do?

Author: Geography Teacher

TIBF: If you couldn't be an author, what other job would you least like to do?

Alicia: Any one that requires accuracy in measuring -- like carpentry (I'm not very good at it :()

TIBF: Describe your writing environment:

Alicia: I have an office in the basement of my house. It has a couple of nice windows looking out into my yard. I have happy photos and pieces of art from my fiction books on the walls. I also have two large Hello Kitty dolls dressed in traditional Chinese wedding attire that my penpal sent me from Singapore. I usually write from 9:30 until I get my kids from school at 3 and then for another hour or two before dinner.

TIBF: How did you come up with Anara's and Samal's names in Mountains, Monsoons, and Mules?

Alicia: I love names that are unique. I am also a sucker for a good love story. Anara and Samal are identical twins whose parents met in the Peace Corps in Kazakstan. Anara means "pomegranate" in Kazakh and Samal means "breeze."

TIBF: Who was your best author friend growing up?

Alicia: I loved Judy Blume -- from Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing to Otherwise Known as Sheila the Great.

TIBF: What is your writing Kryptonite?

Alicia: I need quiet. I definitely cannot write if I'm in a noisy environment or in a place where there are loads of people coming and going. Cups of hot tea also keep me fueled and ready to write!

TIBF: What is one thing you think readers would be interested to know about you?

Alicia: I started writing to four penpals in the eight grade (back in 1985) and still wrote to all of them. They are from Hong Kong, Ireland, Ethiopia, and Singapore.

TIBF: What Hogwarts house are you?

Alicia: Ravenclaw

Thousand Islands Book Festival: Thanks so much for answering our questions, we can't wait to see you on June 3 in Cape Vincent, NY!

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