Thank you to our 2017 Book Festival sponsors:
Media Sponsor
Watertown Daily Times
Presenting Sponsor
Northern New York Community Foundation
Caldecott ($1000+)
Cape Vincent Arts Council
Town of Cape Vincent
Village of Cape Vincent
Sponsor ($500-$999)
Cape Vincent Community Library
Patron ($250-$499)
Cape Vincent Lions Club
Elizabeth LeTendre
Hope Hammond
Stella Garitz
Waite Toyota
Donor ($100-$249)
American Legion Post No. 832
Bob and Ruth Uhlig
Carole and Earle Ashbridge
Carole and Paul Kupelian
Delta Kappa Gamma - Chi Chapter
Duane and Sarah Hughes
In Memory of Audrey D. Kieff by Her Family
Indian River Education Association
John and Ruth-Ellen Blodgett
John Tucker
Kathleen Marceau
LaFargeville Teacher's Association
Leona Chereshnoski
Liz and Mike Brennan
Lynn and Carole Jinks
Lynn Morgan
Martin's Marina, Inc.
Marty and Annette Mason
Nancy Fischer
Nellie Mae Schauer
Sally and Urban Hirschey
New York Library Association Section of School Librarians
Steven J. Hall, Inc. - Custom Builders
Thousand Islands Goat Farm
Contributor ($50-$99)
Barbara Bashaw
Betsy Mason
Camelia Moses
Carol A. Simpson
Cheryl Masterson
Christine Wessinger
Citizens' Bank of Cape Vincent
C-Way Resort
DePauville Free Library
Donna Essegian and Jim Hull
Drina C. Kay
Grant E. Dier, Inc. and Robbins Grandjean Agency
Jeanne Thompson
Joyce Crossley
Karen and Rick Tetzlaff
Kathleen and Mark Pierce
Keith Walker
Linda Bach
Lyme Free Library
Mary Lee Burmaster
Michael and Sandra Geiss
Pat Sheehan
Randall LaLonde and Pat Homer
Rick and Karen Wiley
Rose Bay Builders, Inc.
Sharon Wiley
The Phinney Charitable Foundation
Tim and Kitty White
Valerie Cascanet
Watertown Savings Bank
Friend ($10-$49)
Anita James
April Knight
Barnard and Docteur Insurance
Bill and Linda Bush
Bob and Diane Doud
Cape Vincent Plumbing and Heating
Chris Schneider
Cork Martusewicz
Dick and Rosalyn Moll
Ellen King
Erin Churchill
George and Marcia Mingle
Jean, Mark, and Mary Hinkley
Jeri Mason
Jill Mahoney
John and Debra Wiley
Karen Spooner
Margaret Aubertine
Mary Jane and Don Brown
Mary L. Titus
Mike and Pam Atkinson
Pat and Kathy Evans
Pat and Tom Brown
Ron and Toni Trottier
Stewart's Signs and Apparel, LLC
Susan D. Belloff
The Rupp Family
Thank you to our 2016 Book Festival sponsors:
Media Sponsor
Watertown Daily Times
Caldecott ($1000+)
Cape Vincent Arts Council
Sponsor ($500-$999)
Patron ($250-$499)
Cape Vincent American Legion
Cape Vincent Community Library
Waite Toyota
Donor ($100-$249)
Carole and Earle Ashbridge
Delta Kappa Gamma - Chi Chapter
Duane and Sarah Hughes
John and Ruth-Ellen Blodgett
John T. Tucker
June T. Walker
Kathleen Marceau
Leona Chereshnoski
Lions Club of Cape Vincent
Liz and Mike Brennan
Lynn and Carole Jinks
Lynn K. Morgan
Martin's Marina, Inc.
Mary Lee Burmaster
Neal and Nancy Fischer
Rick and Karen Tetzlaff
Stella Garitz
The Johnstone Family
Tom and Kitty White
Tom McMullen
Contributor ($50-$99)
Alexandria Central Faculty Association
Bruce and Sandra Rippeteau
Camelia Moses
Cape Vincent Plumbing and Heating
Car Freshener Corporation
Christine Wessinger
Citizen's Bank of Cape Vincent
Clayton Shurfine Market
Darrel and Margaret Aubertine
Depauville Free Library
Donna Essegian
Faye and Pam Waterman
Greg and Colleen Knuth
Jeanne Thompson
John and Mary Ellen Slattery
Karen and Bill Stumpf
Kathleen Pierce
Marty and Annette Mason
Mary Lou Reed
Mr. and Mrs. T. Urling Walker
Randy LaLonde and Pat Homer
Rick and Karen Wiley
Steven J. Hall, Inc.
Friend ($10-$49)
Ada E. Pearce
Angel Rock Cotteges, Inc.
Anita James
Anne Zucker
April Knight
Barnard and Docteur Insurance
Bob and Ginnie Brown
Carol A. Simpson
Cheryl Masterson
Chris Schneider
Dick and Rosalyn Moll
Drina C. Kay
George and Marcia Mingle
Glenna and Jim Camola
Jean, Mark, and Mary Hinkley
John and Debra Wiley
Karen Spooner
Kathy and Pat Evans
Kay Closter
Knights of Columbus
Linda C. Bush
Linda L. Bach
Lyme Free Library
Mary L. Titus
Meghan Davison
Mrs. Fillhart's Class
Pat and Tom Brown
Ron and Toni Trottier
Stewart's Signs and Apparel, LLC
Susan D. Belloff
Thousand Islands Education Association
Tina Rogers
Thank you to all our 2015 sponsors:
Media Sponsor
Watertown Daily Times
Caldecott ($1000+)
Cape Vincent Arts Council
Poets & Writers
Town of Cape Vincent
Village of Cape Vincent
Sponsor ($500-$999)
Cape Vincent Community Library
Ruth and Lynn Taylor
Patron ($250-$499)
Greater Thousand Islands Literacy Council
Urban and Sally Hirschey
Donor ($100-$249)
Carole and Earle Ashbridge
Ruth Ellen and John Blodgett
Elizabeth and Michael Brennan
Delta Kappa Gamma, Chi Chapter
Stella Garitz
Indian River Education Association
Lynn and Carole Jinks
Carole Kupelian
Kathleen Marceau
Lynn Morgan
Nellie Mae Schauer
Mary Ellen and John Slattery
Rick and Karen Tetzlaff
Waite Toyota
John Tucker
June T. Walker
Contributor ($50-$99)
Claudia Blodgett
Grant Dier Agency/Robbins Granjean Agency
Bernadette and Bill Kirchgressner
Randy LaLonde and Pat Homer
Annette and Marty Mason
George and Marcia Mingle
Camelia Moses
Patty Nortz
Ada E. Pearce
Kathleen M. Pierce
Mary Lou Reed
Bruce and Sandy Rippeteau
Rose Bay Builders
Doug, Karen, and Alison Spooner
Jeanne Thompson
Watertown Education Association
Watertown Savings Bank
David and Sharon Wiley
Friend ($10-$49)
Barnard and Docteur Insurance
Susan D. Belloff
Linda Bush
Clayton Shurfine Market, Store #160
Kathleen Closter
Camille and Art Crandall
Joyce Crossley
Doris Allen Dingman
Mary Hamilton
Irma Hammond
Jean, Mark and Mary Hinckley
April Knight
Cheryl Masterson
Karen and Ed Ringwald
Jeremy, Mary, Lauren, and Taylor Rupp
Carol A. Simpson
Stewarts Signs and Apparel, Gift Shop and Gallery
Mary Titus
Toni and Ron Trottier
T. Urling Walker
John and Debbie Wiley
Thank you to all our 2014 sponsors:
Media Sponsor
Watertown Daily Times
Caldecott ($1000+)
Cape Vincent Arts Council
Cape Vincent Community Library
Poets & Writers
Town of Cape Vincent
Village of Cape Vincent
Sponsor ($500-$999)
Stewart’s Shops
Patron ($250-$499)
Cape Vincent Lions Club
Greater Thousand Islands Literacy Council
Mabel and Tom Walker
Whitesboro Snowplow (Melanie & Skip Wattenbe)
Donor ($100-$249)
Carole Ashbridge
Mike and Liz Brennan
Harold and Shirley Carpenter
Leona M. Chereshnoski
Delta Kappa Gamma, Chi Chapter
John and Lori Durand
Stella Garitz
Lynn and Carole Jinks
Martin’s Marina, Inc.
Matt McElligott
Bob and Angie Meeks
Lynn Morgan
Nellie Mae Schauer
Carol Ann Simpson
Rick and Karen Tetzlaff
June T. Walker
John and Mary Rose Warneck
Contributor ($50-$99)
Aubertine & Currier Architects, Engineers and Land Surveyors, PLLC
Mike and Barb Bashaw
Claudia Blodgett
John and Ruth-Ellen Blodgett
Cheney Tire
Depauville Free Library
Donna Essegian and Jim Hill
Stephen J. Hall, General Contractor, Inc.
Randy and Pat Homer
Sarah and Duane Hughes
Anita James
Drina C. Kay
Tom and Cheryl LeConey
George and Marcia Mingle
Roger and Irene Paulus
The Rev. Mark and Kathleen Pierce
Mary Lou Reed
Bruce and Sandy Rippeteau
Joseph and Barbara Sizoo
Jeanne Thompson
Thousands Islands Education Association
Ruth and Robert Uhlig
Rick and Karen Wiley
Friend ($10-$49)
Adirondack Central School District
Linda L. Bach
Barnard and Docteur Insurance
Susan D. Belloff
Pat and Tom Brown
Seldon and Mary Jane Brown
Chavoustie Family
Clayton Shurfine Market, Store #160
Kathleen Closter
Joyce Crossley
Meghan Davison
Doris Allen Dingman
David and Mary Docteur
Ann Fillhart
Sue Glonboski
Erin and Butch Gould
Jean, Mark and Mary Hinckley
Audrey Kieff
Lake Ontario Realty, LLC
Kathleen Kloster
Lyme Free Library
Hope Marston
Dick and Rosalyn Moll
Gerald and Ida Radley
The Rupp family
Chris Schneider
Karen, Doug and Alison Spooner
Stewarts Signs and Apparel, LLC
Mary L. Titus
Bina West
David and Sharon Wiley
John and Debbie Wiley
Lori and Mike Wiley