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Author Spotlight and Q&A with Katie Bayerl

Katie Bayerl lives in Boston. Her first book for teens is A Psalm for Lost Girls. She teches classes for teens and leads a Young Writers network. Katie is obsessed with saints, bittersweet ballads, and murder. You can find out more about Katie at

Thousand Islands Book Festival: Hey Katie, I'm so happy you could answer some questions for us today. Congrats on your debut novel, A Psalm for Lost Girls. How about we get to some questions?

TIBF: As a writer, what would you choose as your mascot or spirit animal?

Katie: A cat. Have I mentioned how much I adore cats? They really know how to live.

TIBF: If you couldn't be an author, what other job would you most like to do?

Katie: Dancer or economist

TIBF: If you couldn't be an author, what other job would you least like to do?

Katie: Anything involving a suit

TIBF: What were your best book friends growing up?

Katie: Everything by Lucy Maud Montgomery, author of Anne fo Green Gables (and more importantly, Emily of New Moon!)

TIBF: Hey, me too. I love Anne so much. What is your writing Kryptonite?

Katie: I can write anywhere and under any conditions if necessary, but I prefer to write with a cup of coffee and two purring kitties on my lap. (Which is what I'm doing right now!)

TIBF: What was an early experience where you learned that language had power?

Katie: I can't remember a time before I was in love with stories and songs. Every week in elementary school, my mom took me to the library. I was allowed to take out as many books as my age (6 when I was 6) and one record. It was my favorite part of the week.

TIBF: What is one subject you wish had been taught in school?

Katie: I'd have loved to take a class about legendary/mystical women across history and continents

TIBF: What is one thing you think readers would be interested to know about you?

Katie: I speak three languages and have traveled to every continent, except Antarctica.

TIBF: What is your writing process like?

Katie: I usually write first thing in the morning, seated in my rocking chair with two cats and a cup of coffee.

TIBF: If you were headed to a deserted island and could only bring stories with two out of three qualities (plot, characters, setting), which one would you leave behind?

Katie: Plot. Definitely.

TIBF: What Hogwarts House are you?

Katie: Ravenclaw

TIBF: What is your favorite under-appreciated book?

Katie: The Farming of Bones by Edwidge Danticat (not her most famous book but my favorite)

TIBF: How did you come up with one of your character's names?

Katie: There is a creepy priest named Brother Andrew. My brother's name is... Andrew. He has mostly forgiven me.

TIBF: If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?

Katie: Read what you love, write what you love, take your time. You don't have to be anyone but you. Enjoy reading whatever you like and writing whatever interests you.

Thousand Islands Book Festival: That was fabulous - we can't wait to meet you in person on June 3!

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