For many years librarians both active and retired have talked about having a book festival in the North Country. This event would provide lovers of books an opportunity to meet with authors and listen to them talk about their craft. Many of us have been to such events but the closest one we ever found was in Rochester. We wanted to give our communities a chance to be part of such a celebration of reading and writing. At first, all we saw were reasons we could not do this: not enough volunteers and not enough money. However, we really wanted to do this and finally we just said, “Let’s go for it!” If it did not work out, at least we tried. In the fall of 2012 we started working, and although we were not sure how to organize such an undertaking, we began our journey. The committee members you will find listed in the program have been incredibly committed. We have reached out to the community of Cape Vincent and surrounding areas for financial support and have been overwhelmed by the response.
So here we are. We are SO EXCITED! The authors are here – from nationally known to appearing for the first time. We hope you thoroughly enjoy meeting the authors and hearing them speak and leave with a new excitement for reading and perhaps some inspiration to do your own writing.
Book Festival Committee Members
Liz Brennan
Retired School Librarian
Lowville Academy
Meghan Davison
Author Coordinator
SLS Coordiator
Jefferson-Lewis BOCES
Jean Hinkley
School Librarian
Watertown City Schools
Leona Chereshnoski
Grant Writer
Public Library Director
Osceola Public Library
Mickey Schied
School Librarian
Indian River CSD
Sheri Hall
Site Liason
Thousand Islands CSD
Bibbet Bolton
Committee Member
Retired Teacher
Thousand Islands CSD
Sharon Briggs
Committee Member
Public Library Director
Cape Vincent Library
Shannon Connerton
Committee Member
Thousand Islands CSD
Carole Kupelian
Committee Member
Retired School Librarian
APW Schools
Chris Parker
Committee Member
Thousand Islands CSD
Kathy Marceau
Committee Member
Retired School Librarian
Thousand Islands CSD
Lynn Morgan
Committee Member
Retired School Librarian
Carthage CSD
Alison Spooner
Committee Member
School Librarian
Watertown City Schools
Karen Spooner
Committee Member
Retired School Librarian
Watertown City Schools