Our Schedule is Here!
9:30-10:00 - Opening and Welcome
Presentations: Bryan Collier - Elementary Author and Illustrator
Kalli Dakos - Poet
Aline Newman - Elementary Non-Fiction
Michelle Knusen/Matt Phelan - Picture Books
Signings: Suzanne Bloom, Matt McElligott, Lynn Morgan, Vivian Vande Velde,
The VanRipers
Presentations: Matt McElligott - Elementary Author and Illustrator
Lynn Morgan - Storyteller
Vivian Vande Velde - Middle Grade Author
Signings: Bryan Collier, Michelle Knudsen, Aline Newman, Matt Phelan
Presentations: Suzanne Bloom - Picture Books
Kalli Dakos - Poet
The VanRipers - Elementary Fiction
Signings: Matt McElligott, Lynn Morgan, Vivian Vande Velde
Presentations: Bryan Collier - Elementary Author and Illustrator
Aline Newman - Elementary Non-Fiction
Matt Phelan - Middle Grade Graphic Novels
New Author Panel - Scott Keen, Bethany Morrow, Joseph Orobona,
Judy Pearson
Signings: Suzanne Bloom, Kalli Dakos, Michelle Knudsen, The VanRipers
Presentations: Suzanne Bloom - Picture Books
Michelle Knudsen - Elementary and Middle Grade Fiction
Matt McElligott - Elementary Author and Illustrator
Lynn Morgan - Storyteller
Vivian Vande Velde - Middle Grade Fiction
Signings: Bryan Collier, Kalli Dakos, Aline Newman, Matt Phelan, The VanRipers
3:00-3:45 - All Authors Signing in the Gym